Emanuele Silvio Gentile

Emanuele Silvio Gentile, Dr

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Office Phone
205-A GFDL

Emanuele Silvio Gentile, Dr

Postdoctoral Research Associate

I am an atmospheric physicist and climate modeler with a profound passion for understanding the intricate link between sub-grid momentum, heat, and moisture turbulent processes in the boundary layer and their role in shaping extreme wind speeds and gusts associated with mesoscale systems, including midlatitude and tropical cyclones, as well as mesoscale convective systems. My academic journey began with a first-class degree in theoretical physics from Imperial College London, where my thesis earned me the Tessella prize for the innovative use of computational methods in physics. I then pursued and completed a PhD in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate at the University of Reading in collaboration with the Met Office, advised by Suzanne Gray and by Huw Lewis (Met Office).

Currently, as a postdoctoral research associate at Princeton University GFDL/NOAA my focus is on enhancing the representation of sub-grid boundary layer momentum flux in the GFDL-AM4 atmospheric climate model, hosted by Ming Zhao and Leo Donner at GFDL. I aim to address the deficiencies observed in climate simulations of tropical cyclones, midlatitude cyclones, shallow cumuli, and low-level jets, which have historically posed challenges in climate modeling. To achieve this, I am implementing in the GFDL atmospheric climate model AM4 a novel parameterization of momentum transport that directly prognoses sub-grid momentum fluxes. This approach closely adheres to the governing Navier-Stokes equations, promising higher accuracy and generality compared to the current crude parameterizations.

Concurrently, I have focused on understanding extreme wind speeds and their potential changes under a warming climate. Using idealized warmer climate simulations with the GFDL-AM4 model, I identified a poleward shift in extreme near-surface winds, with hot spots in Northwestern Europe, the British Isles, and the West Coast of North America. This work was featured in NOAA's 2023 GFDL winter bulletin and a research highlight. Additionally, using X-SHiELD’s high resolution, I analyzed the warm and cold sectors of midlatitude cyclones, finding significant wind speed and precipitation increases in the warm sector under warming scenarios.

Another area of my interest lies in understanding the impact of improved air-sea interactions achieved through coupling atmosphere, ocean, and wave model components into a unified Numerical Weather Prediction system. This endeavor seeks to better predict extreme surface wind speeds associated with mesoscale systems over the ocean and coastal regions. Additionally, I am dedicated to exploring methodologies that can effectively identify mesoscale features of mid-latitude cyclones linked to extreme wind and gust events, ranging from convection-permitting to climate-scale runs.

In my leisure time, I enjoy playing volleyball and tennis, indulging in music ensembles while playing the piano, reading books, preparing delicious meals for my friends, and venturing into nature through hikes. Additionally, I love exploring new countries and their cultures.

Curriculum Vitae
  • PhD in Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate at the University of Reading, UK
  • BSc in Theoretical Physics, Imperial College London, 1st class degree, UK
Start Date
7th November 2022
Selected Publications

Gentile, E.S., Zhao, M., Harris, L., Hodges, K., Response of intense North Atlantic midlatitude cyclones to a warmer climate in the GFDL X-SHiELD global storm-resolving kilometer-scale model. Submitted to Geophysical Research Letters (2024). DOI: 10.22541/essoar.172745037.73408753/v1

Pantillon, F.,  Davolio,S., Avolio,E., Calvo-Sancho,C.,  Carrió, D.S., Dafis,S., Flaounas,E., Gentile, E.S., Gonzalez-Aleman,J.J., Gray,S.L., Miglietta,M.M., Patlakas,P.,  Pytharoulis,I., Ricard,D., Ricchi,A. and Sanchez, C., The crucial representation of deep convection to predict the cyclogenesis of medicane Ianos. Weather and Climate Dynamics (2024) DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-2024-1105

Gentile, E.S., Zhao, M., Tan, Z., Larson, V., Zarzycki, C., The Effect of Coupling Between CLUBB Turbulence Scheme and Surface Momentum Flux on Global Wind Simulations. Published in the Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (2024) DOI: 10.1029/2024MS004295.

Gentile, E.S., Zhao, M. and Hodges, K. Poleward intensification of midlatitude extreme winds under warmer climate. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science journal 6, 219 (2023) DOI: 10.1038/s41612-023-00540-x

Gentile, E.S., Gray, S.L. Attribution of observed extreme marine wind speeds and associated hazards to midlatitude cyclone conveyor belt jets near the British Isles. International Journal of Climatology 43, 2735-2753  (2023) DOI: 10.1002/joc.7999

Gentile, E.S., Gray, S.L., Lewis, H.W. 2021. The sensitivity of probabilistic convective-scale forecasts of an extratropical cyclone to atmosphere-ocean-wave coupling. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 148, 685-710 (2022) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.4225

Gentile, E.S., Gray, S.L., Barlow, J.F, Lewis, H.W., Edwards, J.M. 2021. The impact of atmosphere-ocean-wave coupling on the near-surface wind speed in forecasts of extratropical cyclones. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 180, 105–129 (2021) DOI: 10.1007/s10546-021-00614-4